Well, here we are again....another month ends and a new one begins!! We got CaNtoN behind us, and are moving forward with a fury! Us gaLs at tHe "LRC" are ready to show some more LoVE!!! Due to the economy, tHe bLuEs of suMMeR coming to an end, and just the down right fact that we got some sHizzLe we waNt to move on out, we are haviNg our very first **YaRdsaLE-a-PaLoOzA-baMbOOza** at the piNk hOuse....iN tHe back yard, front yard, iNside the HouSe, oN tHe pORch, heck--if we caN figuRe it out, there miGht be sOMe stuFF oN thE RoOf tOOOOooOOooOOOoO!!! LOL---- we will have fuRNituRe, hoMe deCoR, cLothiNg (no used clothing) metaL aRt, gEEEEEEtaRs, caNdLes, anything that ain't nailed dowN....well, scratch that, we are pretty handy---anything we can get our haNds on that needs a new home, it is THERE, aNd it will be pRiced to SELL BABIES!!!! We want to give you some good deaLs before "Back to School" kicks in and we all hit the grindstone again!! SO---COME ON OUT, bRiNg all yo fRieNds aNd theiR fRieNds aNd jOiN iN oN tHe oPpORtuNity to rOb uS bLiNd!!!!! We are making room for tHe faLL gOodiEs we havE pLaNNed foR yOu all and here's your chaNce to gRab soMe gReat stuff at RoCk bOttOM pRicEs!! So jOiN us aNd we pRoMise yOu wiLL be pLeasaNtLy pLeaSed!!!
Friday & Saturday
August 7th and 8th 2009
504 East Tyler Street
Athens, TeXaS--
"The LuCky Road CoMpaNy"
Friday, open at 10 a.m.-5:30 or when the last shopper leaves!!
Saturday, open at 10 a.m. till 4!!!
Be theRe oR Miss Out!!
xoxo----tHe LuCky oNes****
Monday, August 3, 2009
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