Well, here we are again....another month ends and a new one begins!! We got CaNtoN behind us, and are moving forward with a fury! Us gaLs at tHe "LRC" are ready to show some more LoVE!!! Due to the economy, tHe bLuEs of suMMeR coming to an end, and just the down right fact that we got some sHizzLe we waNt to move on out, we are haviNg our very first **YaRdsaLE-a-PaLoOzA-baMbOOza** at the piNk hOuse....iN tHe back yard, front yard, iNside the HouSe, oN tHe pORch, heck--if we caN figuRe it out, there miGht be sOMe stuFF oN thE RoOf tOOOOooOOooOOOoO!!! LOL---- we will have fuRNituRe, hoMe deCoR, cLothiNg (no used clothing) metaL aRt, gEEEEEEtaRs, caNdLes, anything that ain't nailed dowN....well, scratch that, we are pretty handy---anything we can get our haNds on that needs a new home, it is THERE, aNd it will be pRiced to SELL BABIES!!!! We want to give you some good deaLs before "Back to School" kicks in and we all hit the grindstone again!! SO---COME ON OUT, bRiNg all yo fRieNds aNd theiR fRieNds aNd jOiN iN oN tHe oPpORtuNity to rOb uS bLiNd!!!!! We are making room for tHe faLL gOodiEs we havE pLaNNed foR yOu all and here's your chaNce to gRab soMe gReat stuff at RoCk bOttOM pRicEs!! So jOiN us aNd we pRoMise yOu wiLL be pLeasaNtLy pLeaSed!!!
Friday & Saturday
August 7th and 8th 2009
504 East Tyler Street
Athens, TeXaS--
"The LuCky Road CoMpaNy"
Friday, open at 10 a.m.-5:30 or when the last shopper leaves!!
Saturday, open at 10 a.m. till 4!!!
Be theRe oR Miss Out!!
xoxo----tHe LuCky oNes****
Monday, August 3, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
*keep oN RockiN'*
Hello ladies and gentleman, boys and funky junk lovin' girls.....here is the latest at the LuCky Road CoMpaNy............WOWZA bOOmBoWza====what a month, where has the time gone??? We are half way through JULY!!!!!!!????!!! Whaaaaaaaaaaaat??
But, what a great month it has been! C & C was an AbSOLutE SUCCESS!!! ThanK yOu, gRaci, MuCHo GraCias and a huge plain old TeXas THANK Ya'LL to all you Rockstar Chicks that came out and CeLebRateD with us.....we had the BEST TIME!!! Too much fun----SOOOO much fun we are already planning for "Chips & Rita's" OH YEAHHHHH!! More details later....
Canton was good, HOT as baby sister but good! Thanks to all the dedicated sisters who came out in the sweltering heat to shOp, just hope none of ya drOppeD!!!
So here is the low-down on the next get down good time we are having----THIS SATURDAY---JULY 18th, 2009---THE CAIN CENTER in good ole ATHENS, TEXAS US of A====CHRISTMAS IN JULY----WHoOOoOOoHOooOOOOo and YEEEEE HAWWWW!!!!
That is right babies, Athens is having it's first annual Christmas iN JuLy and we are so there!! 4 BOOTHS to be Exact ladies, F-O-U-R===good deals, keepin it real in this TaMaLE cOoKiN', iceberg meLtiN' weather!!! I don't know about ya'll but this has been a wild and wooly month for our ADD, OCD, LOL, ROFL, ToO Many iRoNs in the fire but we would not know how to fuNction otherwise taiLs .....but, we have lot's of great things in the works and can't wait to share them with you all!! COME SEE US SATURDAY---mention the blog and get 10% off yo ticket people!!! pRay for an arctic front....xoxo---the LuCKy oNes!!!!!! Peace, we are out!!
But, what a great month it has been! C & C was an AbSOLutE SUCCESS!!! ThanK yOu, gRaci, MuCHo GraCias and a huge plain old TeXas THANK Ya'LL to all you Rockstar Chicks that came out and CeLebRateD with us.....we had the BEST TIME!!! Too much fun----SOOOO much fun we are already planning for "Chips & Rita's" OH YEAHHHHH!! More details later....
Canton was good, HOT as baby sister but good! Thanks to all the dedicated sisters who came out in the sweltering heat to shOp, just hope none of ya drOppeD!!!
So here is the low-down on the next get down good time we are having----THIS SATURDAY---JULY 18th, 2009---THE CAIN CENTER in good ole ATHENS, TEXAS US of A====CHRISTMAS IN JULY----WHoOOoOOoHOooOOOOo and YEEEEE HAWWWW!!!!
That is right babies, Athens is having it's first annual Christmas iN JuLy and we are so there!! 4 BOOTHS to be Exact ladies, F-O-U-R===good deals, keepin it real in this TaMaLE cOoKiN', iceberg meLtiN' weather!!! I don't know about ya'll but this has been a wild and wooly month for our ADD, OCD, LOL, ROFL, ToO Many iRoNs in the fire but we would not know how to fuNction otherwise taiLs .....but, we have lot's of great things in the works and can't wait to share them with you all!! COME SEE US SATURDAY---mention the blog and get 10% off yo ticket people!!! pRay for an arctic front....xoxo---the LuCKy oNes!!!!!! Peace, we are out!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
"Cupcakes aNd Cocktails"
Well...our first official "C&C" gathering is planned and in the works for MaNaNa!! Thursday, June 25th-----4:30-8ish or when ever the last person leaves!!! WhoOoOOHoOOoOOOoOOOOooO---bring yo MaMa, yo sista, yo bestie, their Mama and sista and cousins, sisters, aunts, mother-in-laws, daughter!!!! Bring Everybody you know!!! We have some great fun in store (Literally, in the store, hehe) for all that grace us with their wonderful presence!!!!!! No purchase necessary, we love to mingle and have a good ol' time with the LadiEs...but, we do accept all plastic, checks, cash, a good trade or a babysitter!!! LOL---Just come, have fun, look around and be a part of the beginning of many faBuLoUs nights at "The LucKy Road CoMpaNy" in the PiNk House that we have planned for YA'LL!!!!!!!! Peace Out, Smile, Laugh, Be KiNdeR than Necessary and above all else..........LOVE-LOVE-LOVE !!!! See ya there chicas!!
Well...our first official "C&C" gathering is planned and in the works for MaNaNa!! Thursday, June 25th-----4:30-8ish or when ever the last person leaves!!! WhoOoOOHoOOoOOOoOOOOooO---bring yo MaMa, yo sista, yo bestie, their Mama and sista and cousins, sisters, aunts, mother-in-laws, daughter!!!! Bring Everybody you know!!! We have some great fun in store (Literally, in the store, hehe) for all that grace us with their wonderful presence!!!!!! No purchase necessary, we love to mingle and have a good ol' time with the LadiEs...but, we do accept all plastic, checks, cash, a good trade or a babysitter!!! LOL---Just come, have fun, look around and be a part of the beginning of many faBuLoUs nights at "The LucKy Road CoMpaNy" in the PiNk House that we have planned for YA'LL!!!!!!!! Peace Out, Smile, Laugh, Be KiNdeR than Necessary and above all else..........LOVE-LOVE-LOVE !!!! See ya there chicas!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Well....what a whirlwind the last few weeks have been! We have been some busy gals at "The LuckY RoAd CoMpaNy" !!!
Lot's of great things going on that we think you will all love! Thursday, June 18th there will be a new shipment of jewelry out for you craving some more jewels....all kinds of groovy styles--layering necklaces and bracelets...ooozing with color!! Chunky charms for you to build your own funky, chunky, masterpiece necklace with!! WhooHoOooO--check out the fabulous hooks for your wall....they have soooo many uses that you need one for every room--jewelry hanger, towel hanger in bathroom or kitchen...just about anything you can think up!!! Some colorful new votive holders w/pizazzzzzalalala---(yes, I just made that word up :) The icing for your yard has been flying off of our porch---yay---so glad everyone is loving it....bringing a few more planter philosophy barrels this morning....they are going so fast, LoVe It!!
We will have some pictures posted finally sometime today!! Sorry for the delay, need more hours in the day!! I can not wait to get to the Lucky Road Co. today & see what all the wizard Shelly did...she was working yesterday & she apparently worked some of her magic and revitalized us again!! I know it will be the awesome!!
Mark yeR caLeNdaRs-------
JUNE 25th---4:30 tiLL ???
"CupcaKeS aNd CoCktaiLs"
@ "The LucKy Road CoMpaNy"
It's going to be fantabulous!!! We will have good tunes, good grub, great folks & 10%off for the evening on the majority of the store!!!! If you can't shop---no worries, just come hang out in the backyard & socialize with all of us gals & lot's of other great sistas too!!! Bring a friend or ten and coMe bY aNd diG iN!!!! We would LOVE---LOVE to meet you, show you around and just HaNg!!! Call (903) 275-0722 if you have any other questions!!!
Also, we went down the Road on SatuRday to visit the New "Winnie and Tulula's" and it was beautiful. Lot's of gorgeous bedding...vintage this, rusty & crusty that(and being rusty&crusty is great in our world)...white everywhere---just an overall mecca of antiques, primitives etc....Kudos to all involved...we are glad between them & The Lucky Road Company-Athens is never going to be the same!!
Okay, gotta hit the road for now---pics to come!!
ToodLeS--xoxo--tHe LucKy oNeS!!
Lot's of great things going on that we think you will all love! Thursday, June 18th there will be a new shipment of jewelry out for you craving some more jewels....all kinds of groovy styles--layering necklaces and bracelets...ooozing with color!! Chunky charms for you to build your own funky, chunky, masterpiece necklace with!! WhooHoOooO--check out the fabulous hooks for your wall....they have soooo many uses that you need one for every room--jewelry hanger, towel hanger in bathroom or kitchen...just about anything you can think up!!! Some colorful new votive holders w/pizazzzzzalalala---(yes, I just made that word up :) The icing for your yard has been flying off of our porch---yay---so glad everyone is loving it....bringing a few more planter philosophy barrels this morning....they are going so fast, LoVe It!!
We will have some pictures posted finally sometime today!! Sorry for the delay, need more hours in the day!! I can not wait to get to the Lucky Road Co. today & see what all the wizard Shelly did...she was working yesterday & she apparently worked some of her magic and revitalized us again!! I know it will be the awesome!!
Mark yeR caLeNdaRs-------
JUNE 25th---4:30 tiLL ???
"CupcaKeS aNd CoCktaiLs"
@ "The LucKy Road CoMpaNy"
It's going to be fantabulous!!! We will have good tunes, good grub, great folks & 10%off for the evening on the majority of the store!!!! If you can't shop---no worries, just come hang out in the backyard & socialize with all of us gals & lot's of other great sistas too!!! Bring a friend or ten and coMe bY aNd diG iN!!!! We would LOVE---LOVE to meet you, show you around and just HaNg!!! Call (903) 275-0722 if you have any other questions!!!
Also, we went down the Road on SatuRday to visit the New "Winnie and Tulula's" and it was beautiful. Lot's of gorgeous bedding...vintage this, rusty & crusty that(and being rusty&crusty is great in our world)...white everywhere---just an overall mecca of antiques, primitives etc....Kudos to all involved...we are glad between them & The Lucky Road Company-Athens is never going to be the same!!
Okay, gotta hit the road for now---pics to come!!
ToodLeS--xoxo--tHe LucKy oNeS!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
ReD FRidaY's
"Red FridaY's at LRC"In honor of our Nation's FiNeSt we at The Lucky Road Company are thRowiN' our cowboy hat's in the ring and jumping on board for "Red Friday's" ....For those of you who are not on the up & up about this new idea---Citizen's of the fine ol' U.S.A. are beginning a trend, to wear your PATRIOTISM by wearing RED on FRIDAY (every friday) to show all that you support our troop!!!! Now, uS "LuCky ONe'S" figure we would be considered the "Not so Lucky Ones" if we were not blessed by so many BRAVE and selfless people so we are so in!! So here is the ScOOp oN what we are doing to eNcouRagE this---If you come in to The LRC on a Friday & you are wearing "Red" we will give you 10% off of your purchase to show our gratitude that you are doing your part!! NOW, we don't mean one red bead on your necklace or that yo undies are red!! We mean RED BAYBAY!! I am in the process right now of designing a special shirt just for you that you can wear on Friday's or any other day your little ol heart desires to wear it! BUT, in the mean time, throw on a red shirt or pants...shoes or something that screams "HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE" and scoot on in our door and get that discount Americans!!! Let's make Athen's a sea of RED oN FRiDaY's---aNd happy shoppers cuz they are getting a dEaL!!
DON'T FORGET----It's CANTON for us chicKieS, so, this month ONLY we are closed TUES & WED due to all our commotion and insaNity gettiNg ReadY fOR FiRst MoNday!! We are open THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY!!! Thanks again for making our first week absolutely amazing & we will continue to make you say "ooooh" & "aHHHH"!!!
Watch for iNfo foR: ThE GRaNd OpeNiNg FiaScO aNd LucKyviLLe SiStaHood SociaL's!!!!!X's aNd O's...........the LuCky oNeS!!!
2:08:00 PM
by ~RMac~
DON'T FORGET----It's CANTON for us chicKieS, so, this month ONLY we are closed TUES & WED due to all our commotion and insaNity gettiNg ReadY fOR FiRst MoNday!! We are open THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY!!! Thanks again for making our first week absolutely amazing & we will continue to make you say "ooooh" & "aHHHH"!!!
Watch for iNfo foR: ThE GRaNd OpeNiNg FiaScO aNd LucKyviLLe SiStaHood SociaL's!!!!!X's aNd O's...........the LuCky oNeS!!!
2:08:00 PM
by ~RMac~
Friday, May 22, 2009
Hello, Howdy, What it do??
As you can tell, I am kind of delirious at this moment! It has been a long, exciting week for "ThE LuCKY RoAd CoMpaNy" and we still have Saturday to go!! This is going to be a quick little note, but, we felt the need for it!
We senoritas at "LRC" just wanted to say GRACIAS for ALL the faBuLoUS, bEautiFUL, Ladies that have blessed us with their presence so far in this opening week!! Oh Me, oH My, we could not be more thaNkfuL! SO many great folks have come out and showed us that they are glad to see our lil piece of sOuLfuL, fuNky, iNspiRatiONaL pie that we call home in the "piNk House"!! You chickies are great! Lot's of my (RobiN Mc) sweet friends have popped in and I am so gLad!! It's great to see you all! And, we are just as grateful for the numerous new compadres we are making!! Many ladies said they just noticed the progress that was taking place and wanted to check us out! That is AwEsOMe...check us out anytime, what girl does not like to occasionally be checked out??? LOL--we LoVe it, ya'll coming in that is! That is why we are here! We want to spread inspiration, love & frieNdship! We want everyone to know that we are all about good vibes aNd eNjoyiNg tHe jOuRNey....it is so easy to get tangled up in the daily grind & negativity in this world...we just want to be that place where you forget that & our products and art help you do that even after you leave lovely LuCkyViLLe!!
Keep watching closely, we are full of SuRpRiSeS!!! Many great thiNgs are headed to AtheNs & The LuCkY RoAd CoMPaNY!! We do have Canton next week & because we are all RoCkstaR MoM's who are juggling business, family, etc... We are going to be closed on Tues. May 26th & Wed. May 27th...We will be open regular business hours on ThuRs-Saturday though!! If you need something, contact us here or head on over to FaBuLOuS CaNtoN!! Adios for now & Everyone have a woNdeRfuL Memorial Day Weekend & be safe!!
xoxo-the lucky ones~
As you can tell, I am kind of delirious at this moment! It has been a long, exciting week for "ThE LuCKY RoAd CoMpaNy" and we still have Saturday to go!! This is going to be a quick little note, but, we felt the need for it!
We senoritas at "LRC" just wanted to say GRACIAS for ALL the faBuLoUS, bEautiFUL, Ladies that have blessed us with their presence so far in this opening week!! Oh Me, oH My, we could not be more thaNkfuL! SO many great folks have come out and showed us that they are glad to see our lil piece of sOuLfuL, fuNky, iNspiRatiONaL pie that we call home in the "piNk House"!! You chickies are great! Lot's of my (RobiN Mc) sweet friends have popped in and I am so gLad!! It's great to see you all! And, we are just as grateful for the numerous new compadres we are making!! Many ladies said they just noticed the progress that was taking place and wanted to check us out! That is AwEsOMe...check us out anytime, what girl does not like to occasionally be checked out??? LOL--we LoVe it, ya'll coming in that is! That is why we are here! We want to spread inspiration, love & frieNdship! We want everyone to know that we are all about good vibes aNd eNjoyiNg tHe jOuRNey....it is so easy to get tangled up in the daily grind & negativity in this world...we just want to be that place where you forget that & our products and art help you do that even after you leave lovely LuCkyViLLe!!
Keep watching closely, we are full of SuRpRiSeS!!! Many great thiNgs are headed to AtheNs & The LuCkY RoAd CoMPaNY!! We do have Canton next week & because we are all RoCkstaR MoM's who are juggling business, family, etc... We are going to be closed on Tues. May 26th & Wed. May 27th...We will be open regular business hours on ThuRs-Saturday though!! If you need something, contact us here or head on over to FaBuLOuS CaNtoN!! Adios for now & Everyone have a woNdeRfuL Memorial Day Weekend & be safe!!
xoxo-the lucky ones~
Monday, May 18, 2009
tHe bEgiNNiNg....
THiS iS uNbeLieVabLe....tHis iS pHeNoMeNaL....tHis iS puRe gENiuS...sLigHtLy cRazY...aBsOLutE fRieNdsHip....iNspiRatiONaL...aNd OveRfLowiNg witH gOod ,wHoLe heaRted, fOot StOMpiNg -PuRe SOUL....this is.........ThE LuCkY RoaD CoMpaNy!!!!!!
CoMe oNe CoMe aLL~ JoiN uS....fRiENds oN a jOuRNey tHat is suRe tO kNoCk yeR sOcks off aNd maKe yOuR hEaRt HaPPY!!
aMaziNg wOMeN wHo aRe a CoMbiNatiON of MotHeR's, dauGhteRs, wiVes, SisteR's, auNts ,fRieNds, cHauffERs, MaidS, aNd sO MaNy MoRe titLes tHat we dO Not havE tHe RoOM tO List tHeM aLL hERE!! women who all have our own individual business' that are thriving all themselves, but, what better idea than to throw them all together and mix it up and cOok up sOMethiNg deLiciOus to share with the wORLd!!! Together we have built "ThE LuCky RoAd CoMpaNy"....a culmination of divine goodies that is sure to please...a little bit of this and a little bit of that and a whOLe Lotta--OH MY GOSH, I gOtta Have it!!
One thing that we all have in common is this....SOUL....aNd the LOVE of ART...art in many forms and fashions. Art as you have never seen it before and that you will not see again, because, it will not have our passion behind it! We love what we do, we love life, friends, family, good music, good food, good maRgaRita's:) and lauGhteR....we take all things that iNspiRe us and mix it all together aNd VOILA----you get something faBuLOuS! This is just the beginning and we have so much more to say, but, the voices are speaking to me now and we must get to work!!!
Join us at our wONdeRfuL new location:
504 East Tyler Street
Athens, Texas 75751
(across from Chandler's Cleaners & next door to City Hall in the PiNk HouSE)
OPENING DAY is TuESDaY ~May 19th, 2009
10-5:30p.m.~ Tuesday-Friday
xoxo~thE LuCky oNe's!!!
CoMe oNe CoMe aLL~ JoiN uS....fRiENds oN a jOuRNey tHat is suRe tO kNoCk yeR sOcks off aNd maKe yOuR hEaRt HaPPY!!
aMaziNg wOMeN wHo aRe a CoMbiNatiON of MotHeR's, dauGhteRs, wiVes, SisteR's, auNts ,fRieNds, cHauffERs, MaidS, aNd sO MaNy MoRe titLes tHat we dO Not havE tHe RoOM tO List tHeM aLL hERE!! women who all have our own individual business' that are thriving all themselves, but, what better idea than to throw them all together and mix it up and cOok up sOMethiNg deLiciOus to share with the wORLd!!! Together we have built "ThE LuCky RoAd CoMpaNy"....a culmination of divine goodies that is sure to please...a little bit of this and a little bit of that and a whOLe Lotta--OH MY GOSH, I gOtta Have it!!
One thing that we all have in common is this....SOUL....aNd the LOVE of ART...art in many forms and fashions. Art as you have never seen it before and that you will not see again, because, it will not have our passion behind it! We love what we do, we love life, friends, family, good music, good food, good maRgaRita's:) and lauGhteR....we take all things that iNspiRe us and mix it all together aNd VOILA----you get something faBuLOuS! This is just the beginning and we have so much more to say, but, the voices are speaking to me now and we must get to work!!!
Join us at our wONdeRfuL new location:
504 East Tyler Street
Athens, Texas 75751
(across from Chandler's Cleaners & next door to City Hall in the PiNk HouSE)
OPENING DAY is TuESDaY ~May 19th, 2009
10-5:30p.m.~ Tuesday-Friday
xoxo~thE LuCky oNe's!!!
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