"Red FridaY's at LRC"In honor of our Nation's FiNeSt we at The Lucky Road Company are thRowiN' our cowboy hat's in the ring and jumping on board for "Red Friday's" ....For those of you who are not on the up & up about this new idea---Citizen's of the fine ol' U.S.A. are beginning a trend, to wear your PATRIOTISM by wearing RED on FRIDAY (every friday) to show all that you support our troop!!!! Now, uS "LuCky ONe'S" figure we would be considered the "Not so Lucky Ones" if we were not blessed by so many BRAVE and selfless people so we are so in!! So here is the ScOOp oN what we are doing to eNcouRagE this---If you come in to The LRC on a Friday & you are wearing "Red" we will give you 10% off of your purchase to show our gratitude that you are doing your part!! NOW, we don't mean one red bead on your necklace or that yo undies are red!! We mean RED BAYBAY!! I am in the process right now of designing a special shirt just for you that you can wear on Friday's or any other day your little ol heart desires to wear it! BUT, in the mean time, throw on a red shirt or pants...shoes or something that screams "HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE" and scoot on in our door and get that discount Americans!!! Let's make Athen's a sea of RED oN FRiDaY's---aNd happy shoppers cuz they are getting a dEaL!!
DON'T FORGET----It's CANTON for us chicKieS, so, this month ONLY we are closed TUES & WED due to all our commotion and insaNity gettiNg ReadY fOR FiRst MoNday!! We are open THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY!!! Thanks again for making our first week absolutely amazing & we will continue to make you say "ooooh" & "aHHHH"!!!
Watch for iNfo foR: ThE GRaNd OpeNiNg FiaScO aNd LucKyviLLe SiStaHood SociaL's!!!!!X's aNd O's...........the LuCky oNeS!!!
2:08:00 PM
by ~RMac~
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